👉This site provides a shared Apple ID. Please log out immediately after use to avoid problems such as locking the device.

👉本网站提供共享的Apple ID。请在使用后立即退出以避免设备锁定等问题。

Image 1

⚠️Check the image carefully and log in to the correct location. Old iOS users, log in directly to your App Store.

⚠️仔细检查图像,确保登录到正确的位置。旧版iOS用户,请直接登录您的App Store。

⚠️After logging in, Apple ID security may prompt. Choose "Other Options" >> Then choose "Don't Upgrade". After logging in, download Shadowrocket and log out of Apple ID.

⚠️登录后,可能会提示输入Apple ID安全信息。选择“其他选项” >> 然后选择“不升级”。登录后,下载Shadowrocket并退出Apple ID。

Image 1

⚠️⚠️Don't Login to iCloud!! Don't Login to iCloud!! Don't Login to iCloud!! Don't Login to iCloud!!

⚠️⚠️不要登录iCloud!! 不要登录iCloud!! 不要登录iCloud!! 不要登录iCloud!!

Image 2

👉Be careful not to log in [icloud] to avoid locking your phone, remember!


👉Check the settings to make sure you are logged in with your own domestic account. The foreign Apple ID can only be logged in on the Apple APP Store. After downloading and installing Rocket, log out of the Apple ID in time.

👉检查设置,确保您已登录自己的国内账户。外国的Apple ID 只能登录Apple APP Store。下载并安装完火箭后,及时退出Apple ID。

👉If you do not follow the tutorial and cause irreversible consequences, such as locking the phone, you will be responsible for all the consequences! If you do not follow the tutorial and operate, SkyAirport is not responsible.

👉如果您不按照教程操作,并造成不可逆的后果,如锁定手机,您将对所有后果负责! 如果您不按照教程操作,SkyAirport 不承担责任。

👉If you need to purchase an exclusive US ID, please contact the seller to purchase it. You can buy out/change all security information and no longer have to worry about problems such as locking the phone!

👉如果您需要购买独家的美国Apple ID,请联系卖家购买。您可以购买/更改所有安全信息,不再需要担心锁定手机等问题!


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USA (美国) - Link 2
USA (美国)--Shadowrocket-1
USA (美国)--Shadowrocket-2
USA (美国)--Shadowrocket-3
USA (美国)--Shadowrocket-4
USA (美国)--Shadowrocket-5
USA (美国)--Shadowrocket-6
USA (美国) - Link 3
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